Blogger AdSense Approval: How to Get Approved Quickly and Easily

Blogger Adsense Approval: How to Get Approved Quickly and Easily

Google AdSense is one of the most recognizable advertising networks online today, but not all blogs are automatically approved by Google for inclusion in the program; that’s where you come in. In order to get approved by Google AdSense, you’ll need to complete some paperwork and provide additional documentation to prove your blogging credibility, but it can be done quickly and easily if you follow these steps closely.

Have a Self-Hosted WordPress Site

If you're a blogger with a self-hosted WordPress site, you'll need to apply for Blogspot Adsense approval. To do so, visit the AdSense page and click the Get Started button. You can then sign in or create an account. You'll be prompted to fill out your website information. The next step is a simple CAPTCHA test, which will make sure that you are not a robot! After you've passed that test, Google will review your application before approving or denying it.

Use a Responsive Theme

For bloggers, the most important thing is getting their blog approved for Google AdSense. This will allow them to monetize their site with ads, which in turn can help grow their blogging business. The good news is that blogger Adsense approval is really easy to get if you know what you're doing. Here are a few tips on how you can speed up the process of blogger Adsense approval!

Write Quality Content

While there are a few restrictions on what kind of content can be monetized with Google's Adsense program, it is still possible for you to use your blog as a revenue stream. Whether you're just starting out or have been blogging for years, these tips will help guide you through the process of getting your Blogspot AdSense approval. 

-Make sure that all of your content is well-written and clear enough to understand easily.

Optimize Your Site for SEO

You can't use Google's AdSense advertising on sites that don't comply with their Terms of Service, which might be why you've been denied blogger Adsense approval. If your site is worth the work, it may not be that hard to optimize your Blogspot Adsense approval.

Add Google Analytics

As a blogger, you can get approved for an account for Google AdSense by submitting your blog's web address. By doing this, you will be able to submit your site for review through Google's Blogspot Adsense approval program. You can access this submission form by clicking the link located in the Resources section at the bottom of this page. Here is how to submit your blog for Google Blogspot Adsense approval quickly and easily: 

1. Fill out the form located in our Resources section at the bottom of this page. This form will have information on what are common reasons why blogs are rejected, so please make sure that you give us accurate information when filling out the form.

Create an About Page

It is important for bloggers who want their blogs monetized through ads that they understand what type of content is required by Google’s AdSense program. To be approved for the program, a blogger must meet two requirements: 

1) Have 10 or more posts on their blog 

2) Write about topics related to parenting, home & garden, crafts & hobbies, or cooking. 

From start to finish, the process of getting blogger Adsense approval can take up to six months.

Apply to Adsense

Google's Adsense platform is an amazing way for website owners to generate revenue from the traffic their sites generate. Unfortunately, Google gets inundated with so many ad requests that they have a tough time processing them all, which means that you may be stuck waiting in limbo while you wait for the approval. But never fear, there are a few things you can do right now that will have you earning money sooner than you think. Here's our guide on getting Blogspot Adsense approval so you can make sure your business has a dependable income stream while it grows.

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